Wednesday, July 17, 2013

When I met Alyssa and Jay, I knew they would plan a spectacular wedding day with all the nicest little touches and I was not disappointed! They are both ambitious, intelligent and gracious to boot. We met last February and decided we were a good fit and got started on the ceremony right away. They were referred to me by The Cotton Room where their wedding took place on July 13, 2013. It was my great pleasure to work with The Cotton Room wedding coordinator Amalia who had everything under control and moving right along. 
This is a photo taken "behind the scenes" before the drapes are opened after the ceremony and the tables spread out. Isn't this a beautiful flower arrangement by Brandi Dennison with Triangle Catering? Notice the orange in it? How unique and fragrant!
This is one wedding cake but apparently more were coming because of the additional cake stands. Or maybe there were to be cupcakes which are all the rage these days. Once in a Blue Moon Bakery was in charge of these sweet things!
Ah, a menu after my own heart! I adore Indian food! Jay is Indian and of course this will fill the bill for those guests who prefer ethnic food. Too bad I had to dash off to another wedding or I would have hung around and tasted it all!
 And for those guests with a preference for American fare, this is a sure to please menu. Yummy!
In the bridal suite, Alyssa's bridesmaid was attaching her veil as her mother and our little flower girl Olivia look on.
Olivia took her job seriously and very purposefully sprinkled the petals as she came down the aisle with her mother. She is just barely two years old and a very smart and determined little girl!
And this sweet baby girl is probably our youngest guest. There were lots of children present for the wedding and form the most part they were very well behaved, or at least while I was there!!
Our musicians from Arioso Strings were warming up and ready to go.
Just a few minutes after this was taken, the guests were asked to take their seats and we had a full house and even added a few more seats at the back.
 The color theme was gray and yellow. Such a pretty buttery yellow.
I had the great pleasure to work with Hooman Bahrani with Vesic Photography for the first time! He is such a great photographer. I met him a couple of years ago when he was the presenter of a program about using Pinterest at the Professional Wedding Guild luncheon. He knows his stuff!
Mike Morse Entertainment DJ Rangananthan Rajaram provided amplification for me and then played the reception.
What a pleasure it was to have Alyssa's grandparents, Ken, Sr. and Jean, with us for the ceremony. They are waiting to get in line to process in.
Amalia got us all lined up and cued us in. After the grandparents, it was time for Jay's parents, Amita and Dilip.
Next it is Mother of the Bride, Priscilla, escorted in by her son Michael who circled around to come in with the groomsmen. As it turns out guests were sitting in her place on the front row so she sat next to Jay's parents.
 Let's go, guys! 
 Last minute coaching for Olivia who truly did not need it! 
On the other hand, Dylan, ring bearer, took one look and ran the other way. Someone turned him around and pointed him back down the aisle where he spotted his father and ran to him.
 Here comes our gorgeous bride escorted by her proud father, Ken.
 Oops! Almost tripped on the dress! A challenge for Fathers of Brides! 
And so we begin.  
When I stepped out from behind the bride and groom to do the tribute to their parents, I discovered Priscilla on the groom's side. She quickly got up and moved to her correct seat because by then the guests sitting there had figured out they were in the wrong seats! (notice Alyssa fussing with her veil)
Look! No veil. The veil slipped off and the maid of honor took it and I did not see it again! It was at this point that I began relating the amusing story of their courtship which took place at pharmacy school at Carolina. Many of the guests were their former classmates so they really related. I really don't remember hearing so much laughter at any other wedding. The guests just loved it--and looks like Alyssa and Jay did too.
In the Christian tradition they lit the Unity Candle which then served as the fire for the Mangal Fera ceremony in the Hindu tradition.
They walked counter-clockwise around the fire 4 times showing that each of them consents to the marriage in the Hindu tradition.
 Each round signified a different aspect of life. 
In the Hindu tradition of Sapta Padi, they took seven steps, one for each vow they repeated after me.
Then Jay placed around Alyssa's neck the Mangal Sutra--a sacred black necklace as a symbol of acceptance to share his life with her. So much easier to do without the veil!
In the American tradition they exchanged rings and read their American vows to each other from my book.
While the guests were enjoying cocktails, the wedding party and family gathered behind the scenes. Alyssa and Jay were so thrilled to be married and happy that the ceremony went so well, despite the lost veil! 
Jay and Alyssa, what a fabulous wedding! Loved it. Loved your creativity and careful planning. It was a pleasure and an honor to be a part of your wedding day!
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