Thursday, July 11, 2013

It is a small world! On June 22, 2013, I officiated the wedding of Lindsay and Kyle at the lovely Long View Center leased by Unity Church of the Triangle--my church. The day before, at a retirement party of a former co-worker, I discovered that Lindsay's mother and I worked at the same agency many years ago but not at the same time. You just never know who will cross paths with you and I think it was meant to be that I officiate Ann's daughter's wedding. Lindsay and Kyle met with me last August and they loved the opportunity to write the ceremony of their dreams with my guidance and tons of material I gave them to go through. Their photographer was Elizabeth Myers with Sweet Life Studios, another great person to work with again! Scott McKenzie, Music Director at Unity Church of the Triangle and classical pianist and conductor, provided the beautiful music. Mel Day with Dogwood Tree Florals provided the pretty flowers  and Make-up For Your Day had all the women looking gorgeous. 
 Lindsay's father, Rolland, helped her float down the aisle!
Everyone is standing in honor of the bride's entrance and as her father places her hand into Kyle's hand.
Tia Jones with Erin McLean Events was their wedding planner and so I knew I did not have to worry about the processional and the little behind the scenes details. It also meant I did not have to train a "friend" how to do the processional.  Thanks for a great job, Tia! 
Almost 5 years ago, Kyle and Lindsay met at a party in Durham. Kyle lived in Virginia at the time and was in the area visiting with his friends here for the 4th of July weekend. The more they talked, the more they found they had in common but since he lived so far away, neither of them expected anything to come of it.
But, they could not stop thinking of each other and the next time Kyle came to Raleigh he called her and they saw each other again. From that point on they were a couple and eventually Kyle moved back to NC again. He proposed in December of 2011 via an elaborate scheme to elude Lindsay's suspicions of getting the ring. It worked and of course she was thrilled to say yes!
They each told me in confidence what they loved about the other and got to hear what they told me for the first time during the ceremony. A sweet moment.
Sorry this photo is blurry but it is the only one I have of the kiss!
 And off they go, married! 
Scott and I have known each other for several years, ever since he became the Music Director and Choir Director for my church, Unity Church of the Triangle. I sing in the choir so I see him at least twice a week. He is an accomplished pianist (and maestro) and for this wedding he had the arrangement by Jonathan Cain of the Bridal March--my very favorite music for the bride's entrance. It is simply magical and evokes such emotion. I had never heard it played live! And, Scott had never heard me do a wedding. After the ceremony I went over and asked him what he thought. He told me he had heard hundreds of wedding ceremonies and that I was the "queen" of wedding ceremonies. He said he laughed and cried through the whole ceremony!
Lindsay and Kyle, thank you for choosing me to be your officiant. I truly enjoyed officiating and working with you to put it all together for your special day. I wish you all the happiness and love in the universe!
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