Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Here is a lovely emailed thank you that we received recently.  We thought you might enjoy reading it, as well as seeing some of this lovely couple's photos taken by Hitched Studios  http://www.hitchedstudios.com/.


Hi Natalia! Hi Lindsay! Hi Alaina!

We are still coming down from the high of our wedding.  It was truly magical and no small thanks to you guys. We didn't worry about a thing, which is downright amazing.

We received our officials photos and we wanted to share some with you.  

Our guests were blown away by the beauty of the venue, the deliciousness of the food and the smoothness of all aspects of the wedding.  We could not have picked a more perfect wedding for us.

Thank you a million times! and more!

Natasha and Rob (Robtasha)

 I hope you enjoy seeing some other perspectives on a wedding at PEM (the Peabody Essex Museum) as well as how excited and pleased these clients were with everything.

If we can assist you in booking a wedding, either at PEM or here at the Hawthorne Hotel, please call us at 978-825-4358.



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