Monday, June 24, 2013


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette DESIREE PHOTOGRAPHY hjertelig velkommen som nytt medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle FOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag av hva Desiree selv sier om bryllupsfotografering:

"I’m a lifestyle photographer based in Norway and Minnesota, USA.  My style is fresh, relaxed, natural and fun photography! I’ve always been a romantic at heart and I love getting to peek into each couple and families unique life to document their special love. I capture your life and your day as it happens.

My Scandinavian roots go deep which is probably why I love eating lefse and why I live in Stavanger, Norway with my Norwegian boyfriend.  I travel frequently for my photography work throughout Norway and Internationally! Stavanger, Oslo, Stockholm, Milano, Riga, Minneapolis, Denver…you name it…I would LOVE to meet and photograph you there!"

Ønsker du å vite mer om DESIREE OG DESIREE PHOTOGRAPHY - klikker du bare HER.

Ønsker du å lese mer om The Notebook - en guide til de aller kuleste bryllupsleverandørene, klikk her. Vil du bli medlem hos The Norwegian Wedding Blog og/eller The Notebook. Vennligst ta kontakt med oss her - vi hjelper deg gjerne! Har du spørsmål rundt presentasjon og medlemsskap - Les vår FAQ.


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