Friday, March 8, 2013

In my own usual way I started to over think how to begin this blog, do i keep the tone formal and let the company speak? Or do I keep it personal and let my true personality reflect? Thoughts of 'what if my business really takes off and I don't have time to blog' came to mind. That was quickly interrupted with thoughts of 'hey don't get ahead of yourself Tims'. Then I thought to myself there are so many people who blog brilliantly about the wedding industry and all things romantic, so what's going to make me stand out or any more interesting? Finally, I resolved in my mind to stop asking so many questions, to be real, to be me, let it come naturally and see where it goes. Its not like i have anything to prove so here goes.....

Anyone who knows anything about me will know I am an incurable romantic. Success stories of romance and long lasting loving marriages always make my heart smile. I love music, the theatre, and I love to travel. I love art and anything that is visually poetic. I love literature, I love the way words can be constructured into sentences that have such profound meaning. I am over indulgent when it comes to love. So this blog will not start off having any formal structure, if I see something I like or something I'm inspired by I shall blog about it. I shan't worry about who else is talking about the same thing as my interpretation of it is likely to be different anyway. I hope that whoever reads this blog, will learn, be inspired and above have love in their lives because, 'There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.' -George Sand.


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